重塑雕像的权利乐队,国内最具代表性乐队之一,成立于2003年3月,受70年代的后朋克乐队Bauhaus、Joy Division、Gang of Four等乐队影响。2005年签约摩登天空后,成为了现场演出中最为抢眼的一支中国摇滚新贵,乐队经典的后朋克曲风及冲击力极强的现场演出征服了大批的乐迷。音乐里透露的隶属于上个世纪70年代末后朋克的艺术气息,倍受乐迷的推崇。目前,重塑雕像的权利乐队正在新的音乐领域进行尝试,力图在音乐上取得更新、更大的突破。
2012年9月1日,重塑雕像的权利乐队(Re-tros)将在阔别许久的上海Mao Livehouse进行他们本年度在中国的第一次专场演出,也是重塑在南方唯一的专场,之后乐队就会去美国录新专辑并在美国继续巡演。据乐队透露,本次演出,他们不仅会一如既往地带来他们所有的经典歌曲,同时,在现场他们还会演出乐队明年即将发行的新专辑的其中三首作品,并保证会为现场观众带来完全不同于以往的视听感受。
同时,在重塑雕像的权利乐队的演出专场,我们还将盛情邀请两支上海本地的顶级乐队“鸭打鹅(Duck Fight Goose)”和“Pairs”为我们进行暖场演出,他们将为本次演出带来更多、更好、更丰富的演出内容。9月1日晚的上海Mao Livehouse,注定又将是一个属于摇滚乐的不眠之夜!这是一场难得一见的演出,请准备好你的耳朵,养精蓄锐,我们9月1日不见不散!
Formed in 2003, Rebuilding the Rights of Statues (Re-TROS) is one of most talented and hardest-working bands playing in China today. Influenced by 1970s post-punk pioneers Bauhaus, Joy Division and Gang of Four (whom they opened for on the latter’s 2010 Australian tour), Re-TROS combines inventive melodies with powerful lyrics written by band members who have known both the hardship and bounty of contemporary China. After signing to China’s premier indie label Modern Sky in 2005, Re-TROS developed a peerless live show and studio sound through tours in China, East Asia, the US, Europe, Australia and more. Now gearing up for a new challenge, they arrive in Shanghai on September 1st with brand-new material for their first headlining show of 2012.
Playing at Shanghai’s premiere concert venue MAO Livehouse, the band have promised that the set will contain the new songs they have been working on all year. After the Shanghai show (their only scheduled one in mainland China), Re-TROS will fly to New York to record their new album before embarking on a short tour of the US.
For the show at MAO Livehouse, Re-TROS will be playing with two of Shanghai’s finest groups, Pairs and Duck Fight Goose. Together, the three groups performing will create an unforgettable night of music!
【地点】重庆南路308号3楼MAO Livehouse
【嘉宾】鸭打鹅(Duck Fight Goose)、Pairs